Yesterday I have try to make installer of VPHP_Standalone_x64, which could be our first 64-bit ADK, and have realize that it is not good idea keep in the same /usr/local/lib/vcomponents both 32 and 64 bit DLLs.
So I have start process of changes all our kernel and vserver XCODE projects and scripts to use for 64 bit targets separate folder /usr/local/lib/vcomponents_x64.
VSERVER project will be corrected to use it and install it inside of self.
ADK 64 bits (and this is going to be in the nearest time VPHP_Standalone_x64, VSDK_x64, V4CC_X64) also will use this folder in installers.
Note that on Windows we already have two such folders:
/Program Files/Paradigma Software/vcomponents_win_vc
/Program Files (x86)/Paradigma Software/vcomponents_win_vc
On Linux we also do not have such problem, because linux-32 and linux-64 are separated itself.