Valentina Release 10.6.3 Improves support for SQLite, Adds PHP 8 Support

Valentina Release 10.6.3 is now available from Paradigma Software and provides a number of key fixes and improvements, as well as introduces support for SQLite generated columns with Studio and PHP 7.4 & PHP 8.

Continue reading Valentina Release 10.6.3 Improves support for SQLite, Adds PHP 8 Support

Valentina Release 10.5.5 Improves Studio User Experience, Valentina for Python

Combined release with 10.5.4 and hot update include fixes across all products, Forms, ADKs for Python, .net and LiveCode.

Continue reading Valentina Release 10.5.5 Improves Studio User Experience, Valentina for Python

Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite

Valentina Release 7.3.2Paradigma Software technology release 7.3.2 provides numerous fixes, improvements to Valentina Studio, Valentina ADKs and compatibility with MySQL and SQLite. Continue reading Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite

[NEW][API] Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable()

We introduce a new utility method Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable(), which is able to save you hundreds of lines of advanced code in your ADK-based applications. This method added into major Valentina ADKs.

You can read detailed description of this new method here.

Welcome VistaDB .net Developers to Valentina DB

We recently heard that the company that owns VistaDB, a .net focused database system, has closed their office in Florida and looking for ways to sell off their database product. Paradigma Software invites VistaDB developers to give Valentina DB a try – along with a 50% discount if purchased before September 1, 2010.

All you have to do if you are a VistaDB user is to order Valentina DB ADK for .net before September 1, 2010, and insert “VistaDB: YOUR SERIAL CODE” into the customer notes field to save 50% – get this ADK for only $99.95.