Valentina Release 12.1 Delivers Linux on ARM64 Deployment, Server State Monitoring in Studio

Also adds Valentina Studio productivity features, improved SSL on Server.

Continue reading Valentina Release 12.1 Delivers Linux on ARM64 Deployment, Server State Monitoring in Studio

Valentina Release 8.3.7 Improves Chart Printing from Valentina Studio, General Updates to ValentinaDB, Valentina Server and C++ ADK

Valentina 8.3.7 ReleasedParadigma Software Valentina 8.3.7 is a general update providing fixes and improvements across most products. Continue reading Valentina Release 8.3.7 Improves Chart Printing from Valentina Studio, General Updates to ValentinaDB, Valentina Server and C++ ADK

Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite

Valentina Release 7.3.2Paradigma Software technology release 7.3.2 provides numerous fixes, improvements to Valentina Studio, Valentina ADKs and compatibility with MySQL and SQLite. Continue reading Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite

[DEPRECATED] I_Field::put_ID()

We have note that put_ID() should not be in the public interfaces of Schema Objects, because developer should not be able change ID of a scheme object.

We have check our sources, and found that only I_Field interface did have such method. So we move it into internal I_FieldEx interface. In the C++ header this method marked as DEPRECATED, and do nothing now. We believe that nobody from C++ developers have used it.

We will consider future ability to do “SET PROPERTY ID of Object name” via SQL, but this will be recommended for use by our own SQL scripts only.

[NEW][C++] set of MACROS as GET_STRING( cursor, field_name)

Problem is that if you are a C++ developer and use VSDK for development,
then work with Values of Fields of cursor looks as:

I_Cursor_Ptr pCursor = db->SqlSelect( ... );
 String s = pCursor->get_Field("Name"  )->get_Value()->get_String();
 double d = pCursor->get_Field("Weight")->get_Value()->get_Double();

In contrast, for such languages as REALbasic or VB syntax is more short:

  String str = pCursor.StringField( "fldName" ).value

We have decide that for C++ developer we can have set of simple macros that will allow C++ developer syntax as:

  String str = GET_STRING( pCursor, "fldName" );

These macros are located in the:  sources/FBL/VShared/VSQL/publ/Interfaces/VSQL_I_Cursor.h

Note, that more complex values as DateTime, Binary, still should be used in old way, because VSDK do not know format you goingto use. May be you can add own macroses in your project that looks similar and do job you need.

[NEW][C++] Family of toValue_xxx() factories for simple SQL binding

Now C++ developer can write simpler code as

ArrayOfValues_Ptr pValues = new ArrayOfValues();
        pValues->AddItem( toValue_varchar(mName) );
        pValues->AddItem( toValue_double(70.5) );
        pValues->AddItem( toValue_long(size) );

Instead of:

ArrayOfValues_Ptr pValues = new ArrayOfValues();

       Value_varchar* pValueName = new Value_varchar();
       pValueName->put_String( mName.begin(), mName.end() );
       pValues->AddItem( pValueName );

       Value_double* pValueD = new Value_double();
       pValueD->put_Double( 70.5 );
       pValues->AddItem( pValueD );