Valentina Release 7.3.3 adds execution performance monitoring in Valentina DB, Valentina Server

Valentina 7.3.3Paradigma Software technology release 7.3.3 includes the first implementation of execution performance monitoring to capture the speed of query executions on local Valentina DB or Valentina DB on Valentina Server. Continue reading Valentina Release 7.3.3 adds execution performance monitoring in Valentina DB, Valentina Server

Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite

Valentina Release 7.3.2Paradigma Software technology release 7.3.2 provides numerous fixes, improvements to Valentina Studio, Valentina ADKs and compatibility with MySQL and SQLite. Continue reading Valentina 7.3.2 Improves MySQL support; New Methods for Valentina DB, SQLite