Now we have v4 and v5 WIKIs

Now we have two separate wikis to keep docs of v4 and v5:

Valentina Studio v5 will to v5 section, vstudio v6 will point to v5 section, and so on.
Old url  will point to the docs of the current official release.

[NEW] Youtube channel for Valentina (DB + REPORTS)

We have setup channel on Youtube for Valentina related movies

First of all here was moved existed video-tutorials about Valentina reports, and was added some new about Valentina Studio. We going now extend this channel a lots in the nearest time.

Into Valentina WIKI for v5 we have installed also plugin to show movies from youtube. So we will integrate movies into docs about Valentina products.

Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio Developers Extended to 2.14.2011

A group of developer tool makers that support REAL Studio have put together a fantastic bundle of $3200 of pro tools for only $399 – the Omegabundle. This offer lasts only through 2.14.2011 – ie Valentine’s Day. Continue reading Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio Developers Extended to 2.14.2011

[IMPROVE] FTP Folders for Valentina Products (32/64/OS)

Since we have constantly growing number of Valentina products, supported OS and now 64-bit versions, we have got quite big number of files for single folder.

From now we will change organization of a release folder. It will contains sub-folders

  • lin32
  • lin64
  • mac32
  • mac64
  • win32
  • win64

So you can easy locate sub-set of products required for your OS and Bits.