The New VDN 5: Licensing, and Your Questions

On February 14, 2013, Paradigma Software celebrated 15 years of Valentina with the release of Valentina 5 generation of products. With it came a reconfiguration of Valentina Developer Network – one that we believe gives you many more options for satisfying your customers. If you have questions about VDN, please reply to this, and Ill do updates to answer them.

Valentina Developer Network (VDN) is Paradigma Software’s offering for developers to deploy Valentina Server to their customers. When you order VDN, you get the following, some of which are brand spanking new!

  • License that lets you deploy the 5 Connection Valentina Server* in unlimited quantities, royalty free
  • Updates to Servers you can deploy during the 12 month period of the license (regardless of version numbers)
  • Ability to “upgrade” individual deployments of Valentina Server at a much lower rate than buying a “full version”
  • Free use of all Valentina Clients for working with Valentina Server
  • You can keep deploying Valentina Server if your 12 month subscription period ends; you just don’t get updates, support

Valentina Clients vs Valentina DB ADK: What’s the Difference? Valentina DB ADK adds a local database engine and storage for use with your application. The Valentina Client lets you work with your data from the server. What you do with that data is up to you.

Now lets look at the asterix* because there’s an incredible new value there.

  • Valentina Server incorporates both Valentina DB Server and also Valentina Reports Server (at no additional cost)
  • Valentina Reports Server works with Valentina DB, but also MySQL, Postgre and SQLite, too

That’s right – Valentina Server works with other database servers too. That means you can build really powerful server only reports applications with web languages / tools like  PHP or Ruby on Rails.

So what’s changed in the VDN license line up?

  • Valentina Studio Pro is uncoupled from VDN. As a result, we lowered the price of VDN! You can still buy Studio Pro though, you just aren’t forced to do so when you order VDN.
  • Valentina ADKs are uncoupled from VDN. Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Reports ADK are both their own products. You decide what you want, when you need them. We also lowered the price of VDN as a result of this.

Following are a few answers to questions you might have. Please post your questions in our comments section.

I am going to post a separate post about Valentina ADK Licensing and your questions, too.



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Lynn Fredricks is president of Paradigma Software, Incorporated.