Paradigma Software Releases Valentina 6.5.2 Update

Valentina Release 6.5.2New update includes several fixes plus new features for Valentina Studio and Valentina Server.

Valentina Technology Release 6.5.2 touches all Paradigma Software products, including powerful new features even in the free Valentina Studio.

Reports Property Ignore_Pagination

Report property ‘ignore_pagination’ allows you to print endless reports on paper or produce “endless” HTML output

SMNP Improvements

SNMP now can return port of SQLite on Valentina Server

Other Fixes and Improvements

The following products all included updates and fixes specific to the product:

  • Valentina Studio / Valentina Studio Pro
  • Valentina Server
  • Valentina Reports ADK

If you are using any of these products we encourage you to update to the newest version.

All of the products can be downloaded from the Paradigma Software website.