Fixes across Valentina products, including Valentina ADK for Xojo.
ValentinaDB Database
Valentina DB is Paradigma Software advanced, object relational database and available in Valentina DB Server (a part of Valentina Server) and ValentinaDB ADKs (developer components for adding runtime database support to applications).
- [Fix] A rare issue occurring in joins corrected
Valentina Server
Valentina Server incorporates Valentina Reports Server, Valentina Forms Server and two database servers: Valentina DB Server and Valentina SQLite Server. Available for Windows, Linux, macOS and Raspberry PI.
- [Imp] Memory performance improved
Valentina ADK for Xojo
Valentina Database ADK and Valentina Reports ADK are available on Windows, Linux and macOS (with Raspberry PI) for Xojo development. The Valentina ADK Client for Xojo also works with Valentina Server.
- [ New] Test of MemBlock into VPicture field using VBLob.WriteData() method
- [Win] Picture examples now copy *.png into MyAppDebug folder
Valentina 10 products are immediately available for download from the Paradigma Software website. You can also read the announcement on the Paradigma Software forum.