Paradigma Software Releases Valentina 6.4

Valentina Release 6.4Major update adds free Report Viewer, command line interface, a new visual Reports data object, advances in PHP support and more.

Valentina Technology Release 6.4 touches all Paradigma Software products, including powerful new features even in the free Valentina Studio.

Free Valentina Reports Viewer

Valentina Reports are contained in Valentina Projects (.vsp files). Now it is possible to open a Valentina Project in Valentina Studio, and not only Valentina Studio Pro.  Reports Viewer allows easy navigation, printing and more.

Valentina Reports Table Object

Now it is possible to add and populate a Table object to your visually designed reports in Valentina Studio Pro and as a part of your Valentina Project – meaning it is also supported on the Valentina Server Reports Server and Valentina Reports ADKs (C++, Xojo and more).

Valentina PHP Improvements

Valentina PHP now supports PHP 5.6 on all three operating systems. Valentina PHP 7.0 is also supported on Linux and Mac OS X, with Windows support under development.

Command Line Interface

Valentina Studio now has a command line interface allowing to work with reports from the terminal or automation (batch, bash) scripts. This works even from the FREE Valentina Studio.

Other Fixes and Improvements

Several improvements to ODBC support,  Valentina Studio Pro Data Transfer and .net platform implementations are also included in the release. Please see either the Changelog on the Paradigma Software wiki or MANTIS for specifics.

Something Fruity is Coming

Watch our forum and this site for more information regarding our other developments.