Paradigma Software Valentina 8.5.5 adds a new toolbar for the Valentina Studio SQL Editor and improvements to ValentinaDB ADK for Xojo developers.
Valentina Studio / Studio Pro
Valentina Studio is the free, all purpose database management and forms client tool. Valentina Studio Pro combines database management with diagramming, forms creation, reporting and database continuous integration. Valentina Studio introduces several new powerful features:
- [New] [SQL Editor] Visual toolbar with buttons to do advanced formatting on SQL text
ValentinaDB ADK for Xojo
ValentinaDB is Paradigma Software’s advanced object-relational database system found in developer deployable ValentinaDB ADK and Valentina Server.
- [Fix] Truncate of value string to 20 chars on Keyvalue data store
All product updates are available for immediate download from the Paradigma Software download site.