Paradigma Software Valentina 8.6 adds advanced parameters editing to Valentina Studio Pro SQL Editor as well as several fixes and improvements.
Valentina Studio / Studio Pro
Valentina Studio is the free, all purpose database management and forms client tool. Valentina Studio Pro combines database management with diagramming, forms creation, reporting and database continuous integration. Valentina Studio introduces a new Parameters editing feature to the SQL Editor:
[New][Sql Editor][Pro] – Ability to work with SQL commands that have BIND – PARAMETERS
When typing or pasting a SQL command with bind parameters (?, :n, $n – different for each DB), SQL Static Analyzer recognizes parameters and show them in the new Parameters Panel
[New] Specify values for each parameter in Parameters Panel before executing the query
[New] Hide / Show Parameters Panel button
[New] checkbox “Use Parameters” – allows you to send SQL command that has parameters as a regular command ( e.g. for stored procedures).
- Other improvements to Valentina Studio include:
- [Imp][Form Editor][Pro] – now you can select many controls and edit them together.
- [Imp][Sql Editor] – notice on the picture above, tab-panel ‘Templates’ on the left. We have extracted templates from the ‘Snippets’ panel
- [Fix][ValentinaDB] Data Editor did not show numeric values for some types.
- [Fix][Sql Analyzer] func_name() not recognized correctly if func_name matched a keyword
Valentina Server
Valentina Server incorporates Valentina Reports Server, Valentina Forms Server, ValentinaDB Server and Valentina SQLite Server
- [Fix] Corrected some issues with Locale class and multi-threading
ValentinaDB ADK for Xojo
ValentinaDB is Paradigma Software’s advanced object-relational database system found in developer deployable ValentinaDB ADK and Valentina Server.
- [Fix] Class Way + Server when db is modified on the Server but not by AppAll product updates are available for immediate download from the Paradigma Software download site.