Paradigma Labs Benchmarking Valentina Report Server: 4-12 Million Reports a Day on a MacMini/i7

Just how many reports can you generate in a day with Valentina Server?  Paradigma Labs ran a simple benchmark test of Valentina Server working as Report Server.

Although you can utilize Valentina Server as a powerful Valentina DB based database server, you can also utilize it as a server solution for generating business reports – as html, PDF documents or images – with grids, barcodes, charts, graphs, labels and other visual elements that make up any business report. Using Valentina Server as your Report Server does not limit you to Valentina DB as a data source – you can freely use it with MySQL (including Maria DB) and PostgreSQL.

We tested generation of both big (900+ pages) and small (1-page) PDF based reports, using the current Valentina Server 5.4.2 as well as a version of Valentina Server currently in beta that maximizes multiple cores of your CPU.

The results were more than impressive.

4-12 million 1-page reports generated in a day on MacMini/i7

Read details on  Valentina WIKI.

Published by

Ruslan Zasukhin

VP Engineering and New Technology Paradigma Software, Inc